The Railway Conductor Model Shop


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Image Name Gauge Unit price Quantity Total price

Peco SL-E380F Crossing, Single Slip

N Gauge

£ 45.24
£ 45.24
Metcalfe PN190 Low Relief Timber Framed Shops N Gauge Card Kit

Metcalfe PN190 Low Relief Timber Framed Shops N Gauge Card Kit

N Gauge

£ 8.10
£ 8.10
Peco SL-E388F Turnout Large Radius Right Hand

Peco SL-E388F Turnout Large Radius Right Hand

N Gauge

£ 15.98
£ 15.98
Busch 7404 Tunnel Lining Material

Busch 7404 Tunnel Lining Material

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 6.58
£ 6.58
Bachmann Scenecraft 44-0115 Lucston Signal Box

Bachmann Scenecraft 44-0115 Lucston Signal Box

OO Gauge

£ 42.46
£ 42.46
Busch 1812 OO Scale Pallets With Boxes (Pack of 12)

Busch 1812 OO Scale Pallets With Boxes (Pack of 12)

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 13.60
£ 13.60

Tamiya 61041 Focke Wulf Fw190 D9 Model Kit 1/48 Scale Aircraft Series No.41

£ 17.84
£ 17.84

Busch 6498 Fir Trees

OO Gauge, HO Gauge, TT Gauge

£ 13.39
£ 13.39
Metcalfe PN830 Market Stalls N Gauge Card Kit

Metcalfe PN830 Market Stalls N Gauge Card Kit

N Gauge

£ 4.96
£ 4.96
Subtotal Inc. tax £ 168.15
Shipping £ 0.00
Taxes £ 28.03
Total Inc. Tax £ 168.15

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