The Railway Conductor Model Shop


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Image Name Gauge Unit price Quantity Total price

DCC Concepts DCP-CB1iP Colbalt iP Analog Turnout Motor

Multi Gauge

£ 18.66
£ 18.66
Bachmann Branchline 39-654dc DCC Installed BR Mk2F FO First Open Virgin Trains (Original)

Bachmann Branchline 39-654dc DCC Installed BR Mk2F FO First Open Virgin Trains (Original)

OO Gauge

£ 80.70
£ 80.70
Bachmann Branchline 39-687dc DCC Installed BR Mk2F RFB Restaurant First Buffet Virgin Trains (Original)

Bachmann Branchline 39-687dc DCC Installed BR Mk2F RFB Restaurant First Buffet Virgin Trains (Original)

OO Gauge

£ 80.70
£ 80.70
Subtotal Inc. tax £ 180.06
Shipping £ 0.00
Taxes £ 30.01
Total Inc. Tax £ 180.06

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