The Railway Conductor Model Shop

£ 5.00
We despatch using Royal Mail.
You can add more items for the same postage charge.
We aim to provide the best prices for our models, but it costs the same to post one item as several.

Select this delivery method if you would like to visit the shop to collect your order.

We are open from 11.00am 7 days a week.

Image Name Gauge Unit price Quantity Total price
Bachmann Branchline 38-081C SR 12T 2+2 Planked Ventilated Van

Bachmann Branchline 38-081C SR 12T 2+2 Planked Ventilated Van BR Grey Weathered

OO Gauge

£ 22.02
£ 22.02
Woodland Scenics FS644 Static-Tac

Woodland Scenics FS644 Static-Tac

Multi Gauge

£ 11.05
£ 11.05
Busch 1143 Icicles HO / OO Scale Scenic Detail

Busch 1143 Icicles HO / OO Scale Scenic Detail

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 4.86
£ 4.86

Busch 5931 Welding Flicker LED and Welding Equipment

Multi Gauge

£ 22.54
£ 22.54
Bachmann 44-202 Low Relief Front Terraced Houses

Bachmann Scenecraft 44-202 Low Relief Front Terraced Houses

OO Gauge

£ 28.00
£ 28.00
Bachmann Scenecraft 44-0162 Narrow Platform Ramps (x2)

Bachmann Scenecraft 44-0162 Narrow Platform Ramps (x2)

OO Gauge

£ 12.71
£ 12.71
Busch 6503 N Gauge Model Railway Scenery - Trees (Pack of 10)

Busch 6503 N Gauge Model Railway Scenery - Trees (Pack of 10)

N Gauge

£ 6.97
£ 6.97

Dapol 4F-028-023 P&O Ferrymasters and Samskip 45ft High Cube Containers Twin Pack

OO Gauge

£ 15.64
£ 15.64
Subtotal Inc. tax £ 123.79
Shipping £ 5.00
Taxes £ 20.64
Total Inc. Tax £ 128.79

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