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Self Assembly Scale Model Kits
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£ 24.29
Hornby Skaledale R9817 Raised Water Tank
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 13.56
Bachmann Branchline 36-878 Right-Hand Point Radius 852mm Arc 11.25 Degrees
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£ 10.96
Hornby Skaledale R8605 Loading Stage And Crane
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 11.86
Bachmann Scenecraft 36-080 OO Gauge Figure Set - Horses (Pack of 7)
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 7.01
- OO Gauge, HO Gauge
£ 8.40
Bachmann Scenecraft 379-314 N Gauge Figures - Trainspotters (Pack of 6)
- 1:148 Scale
- N Gauge
£ 5.62
Modelscene 5006 Telephone Kiosks OO Gauge Plastic Kit
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 5.92
Ratio 430 GWR Green Station Fencing And Gates OO Gauge Plastic Kit
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 14.00
Woodland Scenics C1202 Mold-a-Scene Plaster
- Multi Scale
- Multi Gauge
£ 15.94
Woodland Scenics FC1648 Forest Green Bushes
- Multi Scale
- Multi Gauge
£ 9.58
Peco PL-11 OO Gauge Side Mounted Turnout Motor
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge