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Self Assembly Scale Model Kits
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£ 42.50
Gaugemaster GMC-SS2 Station Stop Unit
- Multi Scale
- OO Gauge, HO Gauge, N Gauge, O Gauge, Multi Gauge
£ 13.50
Dapol 4F-028-101 40Ft Container Twin Pack - Mrku/Msku (Weathered)
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 2.26
Bachmann Branchline 36-628 Single Curve Large Radius 852mm Arc 11.25° - Single
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 13.49
Hornby R6157 Mgr Hopper Wagon With Open Hood
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 31.44
Hornby R4991 Network Rail Ex-BR Mk2F TSO Structure Gauging Train Support Coach 72630
- 1:76 Scale
- OO Gauge
£ 10.14
Proses BF-HO-08 HO Scale Buffer Stop With Real Wooden Plate (Pack of 2)
- OO Gauge, HO Gauge
£ 13.94
Busch 6469 Assorted N / TT Scale Fir Trees (pack of 25)
- N Gauge, TT Gauge
£ 221.00
Gaugemaster GMC-Q Four Track Cased Controller
- Multi Scale
- Multi Gauge
£ 28.00
Gaugemaster DCC95 Ruby Series 6fn Pro DCC 21 Pin Decoder
- Multi Scale
- Multi Gauge
£ 8.93
Peco SL-700FB O Gauge Streamline Code 143 Flexible Flat Bottom Track With Wooden Sleeper
- O Gauge
£ 5.34
Tasma TAS00967 N Gauge Scenery - Plum Trees (Pack of 4)
- 1:148 Scale
- N Gauge
£ 10.63
Gaugemaster DCC77 Prodigy Walkaround Adaptor
- Multi Scale
- Multi Gauge