The Railway Conductor Model Shop


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We are open from 11.00am 7 days a week.

Image Name Gauge Unit price Quantity Total price
Ratio 425 Black Lineside Fencing

Ratio 425 Black Lineside Fencing OO Gauge Plastic Kit

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 6.08
£ 6.08
Plastruct 90507 (AFS-10P) Angle 7.9mm x 600mm

Plastruct 90507 (AFS-10P) Angle 7.9mm x 600mm

Multi Gauge

£ 2.56
£ 2.56

Hornby R1279M Network Traveller Train Set

OO Gauge

£ 107.99
£ 107.99
Gaugemaster GM182 Fruit Trees (Pack of 3)

Gaugemaster GM182 Fruit Trees (Pack of 3)

Multi Gauge

£ 8.78
£ 8.78
Woodland Scenics C1260 Timber Retaining Walls pkg

Woodland Scenics C1260 HO Gauge Timber Retaining Walls (Pack of 3)

HO Gauge

£ 10.62
£ 10.62
Woodland Scenics FS774 Yellow Seeding Tufts

Woodland Scenics FS774 Yellow Seeding Tufts

Multi Gauge

£ 9.35
£ 9.35
Woodland Scenics A1929 Accent Figures Backyard Barbeque

Woodland Scenics A1929 Scenic Accents Backyard Barbeque

HO Gauge

£ 9.30
£ 9.30
Subtotal Inc. tax £ 154.68
Shipping £ 0.00
Taxes £ 25.78
Total Inc. Tax £ 154.68

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