The Railway Conductor Model Shop

£ 5.00
We despatch using Royal Mail.
You can add more items for the same postage charge.
We aim to provide the best prices for our models, but it costs the same to post one item as several.

Select this delivery method if you would like to visit the shop to collect your order.

We are open from 11.00am 7 days a week.

Image Name Gauge Unit price Quantity Total price
Vollmer 42513 Viaduct

Vollmer 42513 Viaduct HO/OO Gauge Plastic Kit

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 32.28
£ 32.28
Superquick SQA05 Two Road Loco Shed OO Scale Card Kit

Superquick SQA05 Two Road Loco Shed OO Scale Card Kit

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 12.42
£ 12.42
Ratio 550 Water Trough Kit

Ratio 550 Water Trough OO Gauge Plastic Kit

OO Gauge

£ 12.53
£ 12.53

Busch 1318 Light Spring Green Grass Fibre Mat

Multi Gauge

£ 16.32
£ 16.32
Woodland Scenics C1279 Talus Rock Debris - Medium - Gray

Woodland Scenics C1279 Medium Grey Talus (Rock Debris)

Multi Gauge

£ 5.40
£ 5.40
Vollmer 46015 OO/HO Diagonal Bay Car Park

Vollmer 46015 OO/HO Diagonal Bay Car Park

OO Gauge, HO Gauge

£ 6.80
£ 6.80
Subtotal Inc. tax £ 85.75
Shipping £ 5.00
Taxes £ 14.29
Total Inc. Tax £ 90.75

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